
Monday, February 17, 2020


Being spied on.

I would expect MI5/CIA/U S Military Intelligence to do so, having zapped me for nearly 7 years from 1998 to 2005, and then me living in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK if not the world.

And for that I would also expect the mob to be used as proxies.

But for David Icke to piggy-back on that surveillance, WHEN I WAS UNAWARE OF IT!!, and use it for his own private gain?

After I'd donated much money to his IP case.

Only to be mocked by his mentally ill son Garth when my sister's house was burgled?


And it may risk everything he claims to have been sent here from the ether for.

Coz my sister's house was burgled for scientific code and data.

You know what that means?

It means that someone illegally entered her house and crept around her house. She may have been there. Or maybe not. They broke in, crept around her house, went through drawers and cupboards and wardrobes, looking specifically for 2 external drives.

There were only 2 people I know of who knew of the existence of those drives: myself and my supervisor.

And despite being MCFC I doubt he would have sent professional burglars to burgle my sister's house.

Because it was a very targeted, professional burglary.

But if I was under surveillance in the previous 2 years, as Icke knows I was but he didn't tell me, then whoever was spying on me would also know of the existence of those drives.

So if I find out that he and/or his sons have copies of that data and those codes, or if they know who does but are not telling me, then they're going down to rot in prison, and Dave probably for life!

Coz I've done nothing to them until Garth mocked me because of this burglary.

And warning to the perps: you're going down to rot in prison, hopefully for ever.

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