
Saturday, March 28, 2020


The banks and corporations have already had massive tax cuts from his cauliflowerness orinj Trump.

Now they're getting $4.5 TRILLION from a new bill that was presented as a stimulus for 'Muricans who, it turns out, will only get billions.

During the 2007/8 finncial crisis the banks got $700 billion, and that caused outrage and protests on the streets. But because of the new 'invisible enemy' Covid-19 and the lockdowns and quarantines, etc those protests will not happen.

In a celebration of bipartisan unity, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives on Friday approved by voice vote an unprecedented $2.2 trillion bill to bail out the nation’s corporations and banks, while providing limited and temporary aid to workers hit by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

The House vote followed Wednesday night's 96-0 approval of the measure by the Republican-controlled Senate. President Trump, who had lobbied furiously for the bill, signed it into law only a few hours after it passed the House just after 1:30 to sign it into law as soon as possible.

The $2.2 trillion estimated cost of the bill, equal to more than half of the entire federal budget and far in excess of the $700 billion bank bailout bill passed in 2008, substantially underestimates the actual scale of the government handout to big business. The biggest single slice of the bill, $454 billion to finance guaranteed loans to big corporations, is designed to be leveraged by the Federal Reserve Board into some $4.5 trillion in loans and subsidies.

This amounts to a virtually unlimited backstop for the country's corporate and financial aristocracy, with no real strings attached. The provisions that provide stop-gap assistance to workers who are being laid off in the millions or being ordered to work without any protection against the deadly virus are designed to head off an eruption of class conflict in the short-term, so that the ruling class can buy time and prepare a counteroffensive to place the full cost of the corporate bailout on the backs of the working class. The bill's passage coincides with Trump's push to “open up” the country and force workers back into the plants and workplaces to resume pumping out profits for big business.

[source : Democrats unite with Trump to enact massive corporate bailout, WSWS,, 28th March 2020]

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