
Monday, March 30, 2020


I didn't either. They just picked me out. They've got a database entry on everyone. They saw something in me 20 years ago and wanted to stop me even then.

Note: they haven't zapped the Ickes. Nor Watson. Nor Alex Jones.

But they're all prepared to spy on me and hack me and burgle my sister's house.

So, what does that say?

But don't worry.

This 5G, as dangerous as it is, will be nothing to what I suffered.

Remember: I was zapped between summer 1998 and spring 2005.

5G is cover for something very nefarious. They will be able to influence the sleep of many without them not just knowing it, it'll be without them even suspecting it.

You need sleep. Preferably 8 hours unbroken. I was frequently allowed at most 1 hour unbroken sleep.

How will the performance of the undesirable be affected with just 3.5 hours unbroken sleep per night for several weeks?

And what comes after 5?

Yep. 6.

And after that?

Yep. 7.

I reckon 7G is what I experienced: when civilian use turns into military grade (ab)use.

And they're developing 6G now even though 5G is only partially available in some developed nations. Trump just signed a law to accelerate 5G implemenation in the USA. And he wants the UK to have American 5G torture instead of Chinese 5G torture.

It's all such a farce.

I don't think it was China zapping me. It was much more likely to be the Anglo-American-Zionist Empah.

You know. The Empah that alleged 'comedian' Alistair Williams is so loyal to.

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