
Saturday, April 18, 2020


In 1987 Trump bought the mob/CIA/Mossad money-laundering front Resorts International.


It turned out to be a disaster. Within a few years Trump had turned it into a nightmare, and he faced bankruptcy, personally owing nearly $1 billion.

Or, were the 'losses' actually used to against Communists in South and Latin America?

The Rothschilds saved Trump, through their chief bankruptcy manager Wilbur Ross. Ross is now Trump's Commerce Secretary. It's a small world.

From about 1975 to 1986, Trump's "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn. Cohn died from AIDS in 1986. Cohn had been given a job at a New York law firm Saxe, Bacon and Bolan, by the CIA to become the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob. Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA: to collect blackmail material; and to supply children to be abused at the 'parties' of CIA-sponsored Satanists, some of which Cohn attended.

Are you tellin' me that Trump didn't know? That Trump didn't suspect how Cohn was able to have so much influence in the underworld? Kissinger used Cohn to try to kill Lyndon LaRouche. Cohn also covered up the murder of 3 young boys. Trump, Cohn and Roger Stone were very close. Possibly too close, if you know what I mean. Stone was at one time Cohn's homosexual lover. Again: did Trump Know?

And did Cohn provide the suggestion/inspiration for Trump to hold his very own underage-sex-and-cocaine parties?

In 1983 the B'nai B'rith Banking and Finance Lodge held their annual dinner, that year to honour Cohn for his tireless work for Israel. The Honorary Chairmen that year included Rupert Murdoch, and one Donald J Trump.

Alex Jones has also said several times that Trump is U S Military Intelligence. Or is Jones just repeating what he was told by Q of Q S Military Intelligence who were AWOL on 9/11?

The revelation by Whitney Webb, that Trump's ex-wife Ivana used to recruit 12 year old girls for Jeffrey Epstein, and that Ghislaine Maxwell is now in hiding with the Rothschilds, just adds to the mystery: when did Roy Cohn recruit Trump into the CIA? Mossad?

When and how was Trump recruited into U S Military Intelligence? If he ever was?

It looks like he's been on the fringe of some very dark operations of the extreme right deep state for decades.

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