
Friday, June 26, 2020


And that although they cry that Confederate and white supremacist statues are being pulled down by Soros-controlled savages to bring a new Year Zero by destroying history, Infowars and Watson have been destroying history since 2015 when Trump decided to run for POTUS. That's when they changed their propaganda from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order, to blaming 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Who did 9/11? Soros? Nope. That was the NWO wotdunnit, including Trump's beloved Israel.

Who's doing this BLM/statue thing? Soros? Possibly? But it's given Infowars and Watson all the ammo they need to get on their Confederate white supremacist horses and blame everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

It's almost as if Israel wants to erase 9/11 from the minds of 'Muricans.

I mean, how did Infowars and Watson remember 9/11 last year? And the year before that?

They didn't. Or if they did it was to mock Ilhan Omar.

And sadly the Ickes have fallen for all this. Coz deep down subconciously they're rightist racists.

And this is how rotten they've gone. They think they and I are on the same side so they can just waltz into my sister's house and steal whatever they want, and hack my computers, and it'll be juuuust fine. Well? It's not. In fact either Garth or David are going down for it.

But if things are as bad as Jones and Icke say it is, then why aren't they giving they're stuff away for free? Especially Alex who is a multi-millionaire?

They're not in this for altruism to destroy the NWO. They're in this just for the fame and money and to manufacture a new enemy when the current one is defeated or beaten down. So they can continue to make millions.

Alex Jones says he was chosen to become a U S intel asset by them because they said he comes from "good stock". That "good stock" founded the racist Republic of Texas in 1836, then fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army in the U S Civil War to defend negro slavery, and then ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon. Alex now defends the Confederacy. Is that "good stock"?

Once you understand this heritage of Infowars you can see the game being played here.

The NWO could have easily beaten Trump in 2016 by exposing his best mate Roy Cohn running paedophile networks for the CIA. But they didn't. But they torpedoed Clinton with suggestions of thousands of suspicious emails just days before the election, which turned out not to be suspicious. Trump said he'd lock her up. But he's not. But he immediately sold out to the perps of 9/11: Saudi Arabia and Israel.

And look who the Dems have chosen to stand against Trump this year? Creepy Joe Biden, who can barely construct a coherent sentence.

This is all worse than a very bad Norman Wisdom or George Formby 'comedy'.

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