
Sunday, June 28, 2020


McNeil is the guy who recently made a very sick 'joke' about George Floyd's slow murder by an American police force.

The 'joke' he made was:
Congratulations to George Floyd on being drug free for an entire month!

McNeil is the founder of America First Students.

He looks like a young American Jacob Rees Mogg: suit, shirt and tie; privileged; snooty; smarmy; smart arse.

We all know the sort.

As you may know by now, Floyd was slowly killed by an American cop kneeling on Floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes, while Floyd told the murdering cop that he couldn't breathe and cried out for his mother. The slow murder was filmed by several witnesses on their phones. Those very disturbing videos are available for all to see, and have sprouted many conspiracy theories about doubles being used and it all being completely staged (clue: no doubles, it happened as told, and it wasn't staged).

McNeil seems to be very happy that a black guy with a criminal record was slowly murdered in this manner.

But would he be equally happy if a white guy was slowly murdered in this manner?

Or an Hispanic woman?

We don't know.

But there are many deaths-by-cop in 'Murica. Has he looked at any of these?

I just did an advanced search on his Twitter account for "Israel", and he has apparently tweeted nothing about the nation attacked his beloved 'Murica on 8th June 1967 and 11th September 2001.

Which begs the question: whose America does he want to be first?

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