
Saturday, June 13, 2020


The first Monday of July 1997. It was a beautiful morning. Clear skies. Already warm at 7am. I was walking to the bus stop to the catch the bus to work. There was nobody about. I had just turned a corner when I saw a white van with its back doors open about 20m away, and it was parked in a spot that was not overlooked. There were 2 men at the van doing nothing sat at the doors. When they saw me one of the men began to walk towards me while the other seemed to prepare to shut the back doors. The man walking towards me was about 5m away from me, and I was preparing to sprint away, when a milkfloat came around the corner. The man walking towards me suddenly turned around and began to run back to the van. The other guy shut the back doors, and the van drove off.

OK. So what?

Well about 10 minutes later when I was sat on the bus, a car quickly pulled up alongside the bus on the dual carriageway, but it didn't overtake the bus. The car was being driven erratically as the driver kept alongsde the bus and he seemed to be looking inside the bus for someone instead of keeping his eyes on the road.

The driver of that erratically driven car was the son of the local crime boss!

He was probably looking for me.

Because 2 nights before I had heard someone prowling around the house, so I got up, got a large kitchen knife out of the drawer and began to hunt down whoever was prowling inside the house. I then heard some sounds in my bedroom, so I walked quickly to my room to find nobody, but there was a fresh blood stain on the window frame where I assume the prowler had escaped but had scraped his/her head or some other part of their body as they squeezed through the narrow window.

This is now who tea leaf David Icke is now working with. He doesn't know it yet. But it is.

He has to wake up before he fcuks it all up!

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