
Saturday, June 13, 2020


The mob were stalking me 1997/8, and tried to abduct me at least twice, but on the first attempt I was saved by the appearance of the milkman on his float.

The intels then zapped me for nearly 7 years, between summer 1998 and spring 2005.

I then donated about £1000 to help David Icke keep his IP, which has no doubt helped Garth Icke's career.

Turns out that David Icke is now working with the mob and the intels, having consented to the burglary of my sister's house and the hacking of my personal computer, and is now working with the thieving bastards and bitches, and Garth mocked me over this using data hacked from my personal computer.

They thought I'd be OK with all that. Because we're all supposed to be on the same side.

Well, I'm not OK with it. And we're not on the same side.

Infowars is Confederate Zionist U S Military Intelligence, and sold out to the perps of 9/11. The Ickes are now not just working with the mob and intels, they are now also working with scumbag Infowars!

That's why I've started the process of sending Garth to prison.

I'm going to get to the bottom of all this.

They are all pure scum.

Particularly that rancid turd David Icke.

And if I'm wrong then David Icke can take me to court.

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