
Wednesday, August 12, 2020


If he is then it's his own fault.

Dear readers, I have a theory, a HUGE conspiracy theory about what is going on between the Ickes, Infowars/Watson and by extension U S Military Intelligence (and by further extension Israel), the Bolton Monarchy, and a clique at work.

This theory would explain 99.9% of everything I've noticed and detected in the last few years.

And if true this theory is unbelievable, which is why even I am reluctant to fully believe it.

But as just stated, it explains virutally everything I've experienced that I would consider to be out of the ordinary.

It involves hacking, secret surveillance, professional burglary, treason (not by me), remote electronic mind-reading, threats of blackmail (and such threats against me are pointless because there is nothing on me), and international espionage that if true wouuld completely destroy all current international relations.

Which is why I ask if Icke is being blackmailed, because otherwise I cannot understand why he is doing what he is doing.

Were Infowars and Icke spying on me in 2010/2011? Does it go that far back? Ten years ago? And have they been spying on me ever since? Is that the blackmail?

But a clue is : I do not find it coincidental that: Garth Icke mocked me when my sister's house was professionally burgled for 2 external devices containing simulations of the interior of the sun; that Watson met in secret with Zionist agents a few weeks after I was due to submit a PhD thesis on the solar dynamo (but I didn't because I took the professional burglary as a threat to my sister); then Watson resigned from Infowars the day after that clandestine meeting; and now the Ickes promote Watson and Infowars.

If the Ickes believed every word they say about Zionism then I would expect them to be kicking Watson in the nuts every day for meeting with Ghislaine Maxwell employee Jacob Wohl in secret, but instead they actually promote him and bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars!?

It's all very, very dark and spooky.

And I think soon I'll publish this conspiracy theory, but only when I'm more convinced of it and maybe have a bit more rock solid evidence. Because it really is not ridiculous just incredible, with absolutely huge consequences for current international relations, which, as fragile as they are, don't need smashing up into nano-particles.

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