
Monday, August 31, 2020


About this time last year Webster Tarpley started to report that something was wrong with the U S markets and debt. It was also around this time last year, as Martin Summers of Not the BCFM Politics Show has been pointing out recently, that the USA warned Israel that something bad was about to come out of China. A few months later and 'The China Virus' was reported to be rampant, killing anyone who breathed, leading to global lockdown. And during that time of global lockdown the U S national debt rose by nearly $3 trillion!! Most of that went to the banks, with yet more to come. And nobody protested because they couldn't, because everyone was in lockdown. But now lockdown has been eased, the only thing that 'Murica protests against, and violently, is white folk. There is now a black v white, Republican v Democrat literal war on the streets of 'Murica. Rightists claim that George Soros is the wizard of oz behind the curtain, pulling all the strings. But Soros is just the globalist 'leftist' who is 'opposed' to globalist 'rightist' Rupert Murdoch, who bankrolled the 9/11 Neoconservatives and put Trump within touching distance of Clinton in 2016.

Meanwhile, Wall Street is laughing their heads off all the way to the bank, laughing at 'Murica, and laughing at supporters of both Trump and Biden for falling into the left v right paradigm that Alex Jones urged us not to do, but he has dove naked into the rightist bit. For Zionist Trump. Who saves Israel while 'Muricans starve on the street.

It will soon be 19 years since 9/11. I remember that day very well. I went home early from work when news started to come through to the UK, and I watched the news for the rest of the day. I knew it meant something very bad was about to unfold. But I never expected the warmongers to still be trying to complete their plan in 2020. They did 9/11 to get Iran. But it's 2020 and Iran still stands. Defiant. Proud of its anti-Zionism. And as Trump has said himself, "Nobody loves Israel more than me!"


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