
Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Before watching this you must know this about Alex Jones: 1. his family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836; 2. they then fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army in the U S Civil War to defend negro slavery; 3. According to his ex-wife Kelly, Alex boasted that his ancestor founded the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan; 4. Alex now defends the treasonous Confederacy by citing the disgraceful neo-Confederate claim that the U S Civil War was not about slavery but was instead about a tariff, but if you read all the Ordinances of Secession of the Confederate States, virtually all state that slavery was the prime issue and virtually all never mention a tariff, and if they do it was a secondary reason.

In other words, Alex Jones is a lying Confederate turd. But that is just for starters. In the below vid the control by Mossad over Infowars is exposed: Pieczenik linked directly through family to major original Zionist terrorists; Jerome Corsi exposing how happy the Israeli government were at Infowars helping to propose Trump for The Nobel Peace prize; Roger Stone in direct contact with a helpful top Israeli government contact who was offering help to Team Trump to get Trump elected. It's all there. Undeniable. The whole Trump presidency is designed to wipe the huge 9/11 question from the minds of 'Murica (just as the 9/11 movement was reaching a critical point); to protect Israel as much as possible (Trump and Putin at Helsinki 2018); Trump continuing the cover up of 9/11, etc.

I had all this nailed in 2015. It was obvious then. It's basically punching you in the face now! What we know now should lead to Trump being tried for treason. But that won't happen. Israel controls both sides. He knows it. We know it. But apparently Alex Jones doesn't. And by extension neither do the Ickes. Coz daddy Dave uses Infowars to promote himself, and son Garth wants to you-know-what Paul Derek Watson's tiny you-know-what.

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