
Monday, September 21, 2020


Below are 2 plots suggesting massive fearmongering in the UK over Covid-19.

The top plot shows the number of cases. NB : cases. What excatly is a 'case'?

The bottom plot shows the number of deaths 'attributed' to Covid-19.

What do these plots suggest? That there is currently a significant increase in 'cases' (so you'd better panic), but the number of deaths 'attributed' to Covid-19 is also increasing but at a much slower rate. But the current increase began in late June, and the current acceleration began in late August. But there was no resulting/concurrent increase in deaths in July and August from the June case increase, and there has been a very, very small increase in the number of deaths during September.

And all this depends on the accuracy and suitability of the test, which I'm sceptical of.

And the same media scaring the UK over Covid-19 is the same media who told you there were WMDs in Iraq. And don't tell you about the 9/11 plan for war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years. And cover up paedophile networks, etc, etc, etc.

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