
Saturday, September 26, 2020


  1. Garth Icke mocked anti-war, anti-racist campaigner Owen Jones when Jones was violently assaulted by neo-Nazis;
  2. Garth also mocked me when my sister's house was professionally burgled, and he did so using data hacked from my personal computer;
  3. that comes years after I helped his daddy Dave keep his IP with a very generous financial donation of £1000 (which I've asked be returned but as yet it has not);
  4. Garth also promoted several times the sell-out Zionist Paul Joseph Watson who holds clandestine meetings with employees of the Epstein/Maxwell paedo ring and Zionists on the edge of the 9/11 network;
  5. daddy Dave also still promotes himself on bona fide extreme rightist Zionist Confederate CIA U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Infowars;
  6. I also strongly believe that daddy Dave was aware of a mob/intel surveillance network spying on me while I lived in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK, and Dave used that network for his own selfish private gain;
  7. and Dave is now promoting Garth, who would probably be stacking shelves in Lidl if it were not for the likes of me bailing out his dad. 

If ever there was a shitshow, this is it. Not even Shakespeare could make this stuff up!

I won't be in Trafalgar Square today, but if I was I would be wearing a 12ft reptile costume and shouting the Ickes down through a megaphone.

And sadly the Ickes may have dragged Piers Corbyn into their crookedness. Because I was inspired to research into the solar dynamo by Piers after he appeared on Infowars in 2010 and gave the most interesting interview about his method for predicting the weather.  But then I was getting the impression to abandon my research, and then my sister's house was professionally burgled (as a death threat?), so I didn't submit a thesis.

I will be shaking my head in disbelief at how the Ickes have fallen.

It's all so, so sad.

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