
Wednesday, October 28, 2020


I used to follow and subscribe to Infowars. But not any more. Why? Because Alex Jones is fake. As is Paul Joseph Watson.

Jones' family is as Condeferate traitor as you can get. They whine and whinge about immigration. But their family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836. Texas was created to preserve negro slavery, battling Mexico and native Americans. The Jones' then fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Condeferate Army during the U S Civil War to defend negro slavery. Alex's late uncle Biff helped to run death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon. And half his family are CIA. Alex lately bragged that Infowars is part of a U S Military Intelligence propaganda network.

So where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11?

Alex now defends the Confederacy by claiming that the U S Civil War was about a tariff. But you read all the ordinances of seccesion of the treasonous Confederate states and you'll find that the vast majority barely mention a tariff and all state preserving slavery as the prime cause. And even though Alex claims he is neutral in the Israel/Palestine conflict, he is not, and has on many occasions sided with Israel. Indeed there is one famous clip of him in the 1990s proclaiming his support for Israel.

All this makes Infowars part of an extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda network that is covering up 9/11.

So it is perfectly natural that David Icke should use Infowars to promote himself, and that Garth Icke should promote Paul Joseph Watson, particularly when Watson hangs out with Zionists like Mike Cernovich (who tries to discredit victms of the Epstein/Maxwell paedophile network) and Jacob Wohl (who is an employee of Ghislaine Maxwell).

So anyone working with Watson? Take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself: what the FUCK are you doing working with this scum?

Anyhoo, looks like there's excitement that Alex is now back with Joe Rogan. Watson has retweeted this:

That freak on the right is supposed to be a comedian, Tim Dillon. What sort of freak would wear a t-shirt like that? I'll tell you who : Paul Joseph Watson who hangs out with Maxwell employee Jacob Wohl. Here's Watson at a clandestine meeting of Zionists, one of whom is Wohl who is in the centre of the picture. Watson is wearing the tan jacket in the bottom left of the picture. WHAT THE F IS GOING ON HERE?!?! The day after this meeting Watson 'left' Infowars.

And the Ickes are now on the edge of this Zionist propaganda network?!

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