
Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Dez and Infowars made their fame and fortune from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on what they called the New World Order which consisted of Israel, Saudi Arabia, British monarchy, banks, Freemasonry, US/UK/Israeli foreign and domestic intels, Bilderberg, Skull and Bones, etc.

But when Roger Stone (who enabled 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8) appeared on Infowars in 2016 to promote Trump, Infowars began to change that claim and instead blamed 9/11 and everything bad on real life muslims, leftists and immigrants. They still make that accusation to this day. Furthermore, Dez wrote a book about 9/11 and blamed U S intels. But Alex Jones has admitted that Infowars is part of a propaganda network for U S Military Intelligence!

And their hero Trump was put into the White House by Israel and the FBI, and he took the knee to the King of Saudi Arabia!!

I wish Dez would tweet more like this. I like to start the day with a really good laugh, and Dez can clearly deliver.

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