
Saturday, January 16, 2021


They worship Andrew Jackson.

Jackson was a slave-holder, at one time owning 300 slaves over several plantations.

Jackson loved slavery that much that he organised an illegal raid on a fort, called Negro Fort, where runaway slaves had found sanctuary. Jackson's plan was to capture the runaways and return them to their 'rightful owners'. But the officer leading the raid fired a cannonball into the fort, which hit the fort's arsenal, which exploded killing hundreds of men, women and children runaways in the fort.

Jackson was on the edge of treasonous circles involving Aaron Burr who assassinated Alexander Hamilton.

Jackson was also the Godfather of the Confederacy.

And now this from David Knight. Yes, Jackson did pay off the debt, but he only paid off the last few dollars. All the hard work had been done by Nicholas Biddle! And it was Jackson who ousted Biddle and destroyed the Bank of the United States II that Biddle had managed so well in order to be able off to pay off the vast majority of the debt.

And as for the assassination attempt on Jackson? The failed assassin was Richard Lawrence. He was insane. He believed he was British royalty and that Jackson was stopping him receiving a large inheritance. It was nothing to do with Jackson paying off the last few dollars.

So where does all this kind of Jackson-loving come from? One book in particular: The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G Edward Griffin. So who is Griffin? John Birch Society. Just like Alex Jones and his dad. And the JBS and the Confederacy are in the same very small part of the political spectrum: deluded far-right. And David Icke is on the edge of that same part as the Confederacy and the JBS. That's where he got all his theories from when he was in the USA in the 1990s.

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