
Monday, April 19, 2021


Last week's Not the BCFM Politics Show provided a link to a speech given by Myron Fagan. 

The speech goes into the Illuminati, their foundations, and the theory that they engineered WW1 and WW2 to establish a world government in the United Nations. 

But there are one or two racist statements that Fagan makes which has made me very sceptical about this Illuminati/UN theory.

Fagan calls Martin Luther King "Martin Lucifer King" at least twice, and refers to "rioting nigger mobs" (the speech was recorded in the late 1960s during the struggle for civil rights in the USA). Fagan also refers to John Robison and his expose of the Illuminati. Problem is Robison was a top British Intelligence agent!

Now, why would top British Intelligence agent Robison expose The Illuminati if they were serving the British Empah by trying to overthrow all major European monarchies except the British Monarchy?

This is probably what psycho Confederate Alex Jones grew up with. His dad was John Birch Society and was the dentist for the CIA. Alex's family are CIA/Pentagon. Alex himself is US Military Intelligence. And he defends and protects the Confederacy. The Confederacy was a British enterprise to divide the USA. The Godfather of the Confederacy was President Andrew Jackson. Jackson was on the edge of British treason against the USA for many years.

But none of that matters to psycho Confederate Alex Jones.To Alex, slavery-loving, slave-owning Jackson is a God.


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