
Tuesday, April 06, 2021


I gave that bastard £1000 for his IP defence fund, only for his talentless far-right son Garth to mock me when my sister's house was professionally burgled. 

Here's what David Icke has done:

  1. took the work of many revealing some kind of truth and sprinkled it with shape-shifting reptilians;
  2. this occured after his spell in the USA, during which he came into contact with the paranoid far-right, when he says several people approached him and told him they had seen shape-shifting reptiles before their eyes;
  3. his new and old, and then new again, best pal, Alex Jones, called Icke "THE TURD IN THE PUNCH BOWL";
  4. turns out Jones is bona fide extreme right Zionist U S Military Intelligence, he is a dedicated Zionist, and half his family is CIA;
  5. somehow claims that the reptiles that control us are beaming signals from Saturn to the moon which focuses and amplifies those signals of doom and terror onto this planet;
  6. thinks it's OK to spy on, hack and burgle people he thinks support his claim to be the Son of God.

He says he is here to, "WAKE US UP".

He is not.

He is here to, "RIP US OFF".

And I should know. I gave that bastard £1000 for his IP defence fund, only for his far-right talentless son Garth to mock me when my sister's house was professionally burgled.

Nah. I will torpdeo Icke and his crime empire if I see the tiniest evidence that he or any of his crime mates have used any of my hacked or burgled codes and theses. They are going to have to kill me to stop me. Which they probably will. Coz they're fucking scum of the earth. Every fucking single one of them. |FUCKING SCUM!

But Icke and his crime mates must be stopped. And stop them I now swear to do.

Icke is a false prophet. He must be stopped. A true Son of God would not need to resort to crime. But Icke has resorted to crime in an attempt to prove himself. All he has done is take the far-right material he came into contact with in the 1990s, sprinkled some shape-shifting reptiles on top, and created a media empire to hand down to his far-right son who mocks victims of neo-Nazi crime. 


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