
Friday, April 23, 2021


 Just some very disturbing claims and statements from the big guy:

  1. he is a U S Military Intelligence agent and Infowars is part of a U S Military Intelligence propaganda network;
  2. in order to get giga-Zionist Trump elected, Infowars stopped blaming everything bad on the NWO and now blames everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants (as does Paul Joseph Watson);
  3. Muslims run the Federal Reserve;
  4. the Rothschilds want to give us all our money back;
  5. the Chicomms run Hollywood;
  6. Netanyahu (who murdered 500 children in Gaza in 2014) is a good guy;
  7. Roy Cohn (who ran paedophile networks for the CIA) was a good guy;
  8. President Andrew Jackson (one of the biggest owners of slaves and the Godfather of the Confederacy) was a good guy;
  9. the U S Civil War was about a tariff (nope, it was about slavery).

But other stuff to consider is:

  1. his family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836;
  2. his family fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confedrate Army to defend negro slavery;
  3. his late uncle Biff ran death squads for the CIA/Pentagon in Guatemala;
  4. half his family is CIA;
  5. his dad was the dentist the CIA went to for any kind of technical dental work they wanted doing;
  6. he bragged to his ex-wife Kelly that his ancestor founded the Texas Branch of the Ku Klux Klan;
  7. he stalks and spies on his ex-wife Kelly;
  8. he terrorises his own daughter by buzzing her in a low-flying helicopter;
  9. he doesn't buy his daughter any Christmas or birthday presents;
  10. he gave his daughter's cat, called Smokey, away without telling or asking her;
  11. he is an ardent Zionist;
  12. he was selected by U S Military Intelligence because, they told him, he comes from "good stock".

Now, can David Icke tell us all why he worships Alex Jones, particularly after Jones called Icke a "turd in the punch bowl"?

Alex Jones is just an extreme rightist Zionist CIA psycho Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset who sold out to get Trump elected.

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