
Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Those anti-vax protests last weekend have really, really terrified the perps of the virus/vax hoax.

There has been a definite change in media attitude to anti-vaxers.

Before the protests last weekend the media was just calling them anti-science whackos.

But now, as noted by many, the media and world leaders have definitely added a dark and sinister tone to their rhetoric.

No longer portrayed as anti-science whackos, anti-vaxers are now threatened with violence, discrimination and even poisoning!

That latter comes from BBC Radio 5 Live's Sheila Fogherty. She is the darling of many at the BBC. But she is now calling for anti-vaxers to be poisoned! I didn't hear gossipmongers Campbell or Burden mention that this morning.   

And then there's Biden refering to anti-vaxers having to pay the ultimate sacrifice (while he helps and allows Israel to murder innocent children in Gaza).

And as reported here, callers into BBC Radio 5 Live this morning demanded immediate unemployment, stay-at-home orders, refusal of benefits and denial of healthcare to anti-vaxers.

This is sudden. And MUST be due to the huge, peaceful protests last weekend.

And that must be because there is a dark and sinister agenda to the virus/vax hoax.

And that agenda must be genocide.

The next protest in London MUST be at least double in attendance, and double in peace.

Coz the cops and intels will be out to discredit that protest with provocation and agents provocateur as much as they can.

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