
Sunday, May 16, 2021


Obama decided that the USA should focus on US domination of the Pacific around 2012, or just before.

Did Fauci sheep dip China with this gain-of-function research? Could Fauci really have gone behind Obama's back after Obama defunded the research? Was Obama's Pivot to Asia in 2012 (as shown in John Pilger's, The Coming War on China) and since via Trump the provocation of China for them to begin a hybrid asymmetric war?

There is something to what Martin Summers repeats to Tony Gosling: that the Military Games at Wuhan in 2019 may have been used by the US Military to spread something: the team was sick even before the virus, and performed very badly; and the virus was used to bail out Wall Street AGAIN after it collapsed in late 2019.

Now Fox, owned by Zionist CIA Bilderberg Murdoch, is 'exposing' Wuhan, while the USA and the UK begin to dominate the South China Sea.

American media claim that China is on the rampage and has dreams of global domination. But what does this picture below, of American military bases around the globe, tell you? China has just 1 base outside of China. The USA has hundreds of bases all around the world, except in the BRICS nations. And guess what? Yep. The deadly variants of the 'virus' have come out of 4 of them: China (the alleged source), Brazil, India and South Africa. Once the Russian variant appears then we'll know whodunnit.

All I know is this: Alex Jones is a bona fide U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset who sold out to the perps of infanticide, 9/11 and paedophile networks in order to get Trump elected. He is not telling the truth. So when Jones points the finger at China, I ask questions. Yes, it does look very suspicious that the 'virus' began in Wuhan, which houses the only BSL4 lab in China, and it was working on gain-of-function in bat viruses supervised by Peter Daszak. But Jones is a propaganda asset for the U S Military, and he protects and defends Israel and the Confederacy. He made a fortune from blaming 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order, but then sold out to blame 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants. That is what Alex Jones is capable of. And then there's Alex's boyfriend David Icke. He said there is no virus and it was 5G causing all the death and illness. He said this to Brian Rose multiple times on camera. Turns out Rose drinks his own piss!

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