
Tuesday, May 18, 2021


In 2014 he mocked Israel when Israel shelled and killed 4 Palestinian children who were playing football on the beach. Watson said Israel was only protecting itself, but in a mocking, sarcastic tone.

In 2021 he actually wants Palestinian children DEAD!

Yet the Ickes worship the guy?! And his employer Alex Jones?!?!

Now, what could have happened between 2014 and 2021?

Stuffed brown envelopes from Tel Aviv, Langley, Whitehall and Riyadh.

In 2016 mega-Zionist Trump ran for the White House. 

Before Trump, Infowars blamed 9/11, terror and everything bad on the New World Order consisting of the Anglo-American-Zionist-Saudi empire and their intels, banks and secret societies.

But in 2016 Infowars stopped those accusations and instead began to, and continue to, blame 9/11, terror and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

And on top of that, Watson hangs out at the British Establishment private members club The Cavalry and Guards, and recently tweeted, "God save the Queen", having already tweeted several times about his love for Israel.

So tell me again: why are the Ickes still hanging out with and promoting Infowars? 

Scum. Pure human scum.

And what's even worse is that they may very well know who professionally burgled my sister's house, and stole and hacked my work.

Yes. That lot who go on about freedom and privacy, etc.

What. A sick. Joke. 


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