
Thursday, June 24, 2021


I used to listen to Alex Jones daily Monday to Friday about 11 years ago.

Things did not seem 100% right, but I still tuned in.

Turns out Alex's family is very Confederate, he lies to protect and defend the Confederacy, and Infowars is now a member of the Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda network!

Anyhoo, Alex was always, always, always banging on and on and on about the Globalists. He still does.

But he never, ever, ever mentioned that these Globalists are white!


All the wars, all the genocide, all the terror was and still is created and executed by the Globalists.

But Alex never, ever, ever referred to the whiteness of the Globalists.

But I just heard Alex refer to black-on-black crime!


Coz white folk are pure?


Jones. Is. Racist.

And it comes from his family's history which is instrumental in creating the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836, and then fighting at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery, and then establishing the Texas branch of the Ku Klux Klan.

I have also noted this about Jeff Rense, who refers to 'black beasts' commiting crime but never refers to the  'whtie beasts' who engineer world wars and global financial crises, etc.


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