
Saturday, June 26, 2021


How vain can you be?

The Midazolam story was due to the intrepid work of Jacqui Deevoy. The Ickes had actually initially blamed 5G, and I warned them that it was not 5G! But now that Deevoy pointed the finger at Midazolam the Ickes take credit. What a shower of total fakes!!

How long before the Ickes finally wake up and realise they failed in December 2020 when Margaret Keenan was injected with the Pfizer 'vaccine'. Since then David Icke (who claims the world is run by 12 ft shape-shifting reptilians who receive their orders for world domination from Saturn via the Moon) initially claimed that it was actually 5G causing the excess deaths in Spring 2020. But now, after an intrepid and dangerous investigation by Jacqui Deevoy, it now looks like it was a planned euthanasia using Midazolam. The Ickes accused Hancock. But it was the Royal College of General Practitioners who called for Midazolam to be ordered in such vast quantities for murder. But this doesn't stop the Ickes from claiming credit, because they, like their best mate Alex Jones, are in the conspiracy business of terrifying us into pointing out a monster who wants to kill us, but only they can save us, but in order to do so we must buy all their stuff.

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