
Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Assuming that the virus exists and is an engineered bio-weapon developed by China at the BSL4 lab in Wuhan, is it just coincidental that that virus was released or escaped just in time to bail out Wall Street?

In late 2019 Webster Tarpley was screaming that Wall Street was about to collapse and needed another huge bail out.

But in early 2020 the cavalry arrived for Wall Street in the form of the virus!

The virus gave Trump the pretext to lockdown the USA and to demand a multi-trillion bail out for Wall Street.

And nobody in 'Murica could protest against a bail out orders of magnitude larger than that of 2007/8 because 'Murica was in total lockdown!

But there is very strong evidence that the USA and China worked on the development of the virus together.

All the way back to 1999.

Anyway, U S Military Intelligence (who works for Wall Street) propaganda asset Infowars says China developed it. So it must be true.

Particularly after Infowars blamed 9/11 and everything bad on the New World Order (and made a fortune from it) but then blamed 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.


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