
Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Geronimo is a metaphor for the human race.

Tested positive for a virus using an unreliable test, and condemned to death despite showing no symptoms over 4 years!!

Today Geronimo, despite described as a serious TB threat, was actually taken off the farm where he was kept, forced into a horse box, and driven away and executed. But if he was such a threat then why was taken off the farm still alive?

And about 20 cops were there?

Twenty cops with nothing better to do than execute an asymptomatic much-loved animal? How about arresting Prince Charles and Prince Andrew?

Two weeks ago a list of vets wrote that Geronimo should be allowed to live and studied to understand how he can test positive but show no symptoms.

But Geronimo's owner says the UK government showed no interest in this option or other options. To the UK government Geronimo had to be executed.

And today he was.

RIP Geronimo.

The UK government want death, and care little about science except when the science leads to death. The PCR test has been found over and over and over in court after court after court to be unreliable and useless. The inventor of the PCR technology said it should never be used to test for a virus. The false positives from the PCR test are labeled as 'cases', which has driven the demand for lockdowns, and mandatory and voluntary mRNA vaccinations. That's why they are driving the vaccinations, even looking at under 12 year olds. And the inventor of the mRNA vaccine is horrified it has been rushed out without thorough and detailed testing.

Death. Death. Death.

They think we are a cancer on their world.

This is the culling.

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