
Saturday, August 21, 2021


David Icke believes the world is run by 12ft shape-shifting lizards who fight each other over the corpses of satanically-sacrificed babies, who receive their orders for world domination from Saturn via the moon, and he also believed that 5G caused the excess deaths in the first half of 2020 which led to attacks on employees and his allies being sacked. He is also best mates with bona fide Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Alex Jones of Infowars. And although Jones blames the British monarchy for everything (as does Icke), Jones still employs Paul Joseph Watson who tweeted recently, "God save the Queen!". And both Jones and Watson defended the statue of Cecil Rhodes at Oxford even though Infowars sells 2 books exposing the Rhodes/British plan for world government that we see grab more and more power today!

And while David Icke says that we are all one conciousness having the same experience, and we should just love each other, his son Garth mocks victims of neo-Nazi violence (anti-war, anti-racist Owen Jones) and professional burglary (me and my sister)!

And to launch the new show, Right Now, who did Garth have as the first guest? Yep. Bona fide Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Alex Jones of Infowars

This is the total lunacy and ridiculousness of the Icke/Infowars love-in. 

A. Total. World class. Fraud.

David Icke is a crook and a crime boss. And I know from personal experience.

Garth's 2nd daughter was born today. Congratulations, sort of. Another Icke to mislead and exploit the world into handing more money over to the Icke family?

Well, funnily enough, Garth's DVD, The Walk 2, in which Garth walks around Wales (WOW!) is in all good shops TODAY!!

Forgive my cynicism. But when you've had your brain zapped for nearly 7 years, and you give David Icke £1000 for his IP defence fund and he repays you with his son mocking you when your sister's house is professionally burgled, watching the Ickes makes me want to puke!

A. Total. World class. Fraud.

Why haven't the Ickes been zapped?

Why hasn't Alex Jones? Well, Alex is U S Military Intelligence.

But Icke? Is Icke also?

Why was I zapped? I have a dangerous theory about who and why. And it leads straight into the interface between mafia/intels and what is known as gang-stalking because I humiliated the local mafia.

And sadly the Ickes are in on it. They may not know it, but they are. They have allied with that same gang-stalking network that draws irregular, inverted, incomplete pentagrams in the snow on the cars of their victims, as happened to me in late December 2000.  

Anyway, there's another Icke in the world.

Watch out! Watch out! There's another Icke about!

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