
Thursday, October 28, 2021


In a conversation with Mike Adams, Alex started ranting about crime rates going through the roof, and singled out Sweden, and Alex blamed the Muslims. 

Yet Alex never, ever, ever calls out the New World Order for being white!!


He blames the British monarchy. WHITE!!

He blames Klaus Schwab. WHITE!!

He blames Rockefellers. WHITE!!

He blames Rothschilds. WHITE!!

He blames Abraham Lincoln. WHITE!!

He blames Bilderberg. 99.9% WHITE!!

And on and on and on.

The New World Order is WHITE!!!!

But he never, ever, ever mentions their colour, but he is perfectly happy to blame Muslims when it suits him.

Alex paid Tommy Robiinson hundreds of thousands of pounds to produce an anti-Muslim documentary. Not an anti-NWO documentary. An anti-Muslim documentary. Robinson failed and ended up in court where he lost and is now using that payment from Jones to pay the court costs for him and his Muslim target.

Let's face it. Alex is a racist Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset.

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