
Sunday, November 14, 2021


About 1:06:00 into the film Official Secrets, Gun is followed on a train by 2 goons.

In 2014 I called for a protest outside Freemasons Hall in London on 28th June to recognise, on the 100th anniversary of the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, the role that Freemasonry and the British monarchy played in that assassination and the war in general. 

A few days before 28th June 2014 I went to Manchester, and was sat in the Food Hall in The Arndale Centre. Two goons sat either side of me, when there was plenty of room and seating available. They said nothing, not even to each other. They just sat really close, looking at me.

And on the day of the 28th, there were 2 plain clothes coppers waiting at the end of my street as I walked to catch the train to London.

At Euston I was followed by a large black female security guard as I bought a bottle of water and a Mars bar.

And after nobody turned up at Freemasons Hall I walked to the Embankment, only to be greeted by a police boat on the Thames, which followed me as I walked to The Houses of Parliament. 

Then as I walked down Great George Street and Birdcage Walk I was followed by a tall goon with long hair who stopped walking when I stopped walking.

And then to top it all off, when I reached The Victoria Memorial outside Buckingham Palace, a very senior officer in the Met in the passenger seat drove passed me and waved, pointed at me from the car and saluted me, laughing. 

So when Gun says she was followed and intimidated by government goons on a journey on public transport I believe her.

Because I went through a similar experience.

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