
Thursday, April 28, 2022


On GETTR (@TommyRobinson1) rabid Zionist anti-muslim Tommy Robinson praises Alex Jones.

Can't post GETTR like Twitter, so quoting Robinson:

This man was so far ahead of the curve he was DEMONISED from the off. And now a common meme out there is “Alex Jones was right after all” I am proud to call him a friend. And I am proud to support him. This video was back in the early 2000’s
Alex made a fortune from claiming 9/11 was an inside job. In late 2007 Robinson's mate Paul Joseph Watson reported that the former President and Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, said that the intels around the world know for a fact that 9/11 was done by the CIA and Mossad.

So you'd think that Watson would have told Robinson this. Right?

But Robinson loves Israel.

Alex is a bona fide Zionist Confederate U S Military Intelligence propaganda agent who protects U S intel paedophile networks. And he sold out to Israel to get Zionist Trump elected who didn't re-open 9/11 as he promised but continued the 9/11 wars.

Alex wasted the Infowars fortune on petty, futile, frivolous litigation against his ex-wife, and on financing Tommy Robinson to make an anti-muslim documentary, which Robinson failed to do, with the finance instead going to lawyers and a young muslim who Robinson slandered.

So, yeah.

Alex sold out to the perps of 9/11 and Robinson loves those perps.

And this is the Zionist network that the Ickes are willingly falling into. I mean, when was the last time you heard an Icke talk about 9/11? I'll bet it was a long time ago, before the Ickes started to merge with Zionist Infowars in 2019. 

PS Robinson still believes that real life actual muslims did 9/11 without any help from anyone.

No matter how hard you tried you couldn't make it up.

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