Saturday, July 02, 2022


Apparently a Hollywood actress with red hair who is now about 40 years old will save the earth.

Who is she?

A prediction from Credo Mutwa made in 1987:

In the near future you are going to get a very big surprise in the United States, because a new leader will appear there which will surprise you very, very much. This leader will have the distinction of being the last male President of the United States, because after him there shall rule a flower in the land of the West. In other words a woman shall rule the US after that president. The man who is going to rule before the coming of the great woman will suffer a serious illness or injury towards the ending of his term.

All African Prophets say that a woman will sit as chieftain over the great nation of the West – which is America. What we know is that one of the women will reverse many things that is at present destabilizing the American nation. This woman will really be like a new broom, sweeping clean all that which is not good, and she shall bring the American nation to new heights of greatness.

We are going to see a great spiritual revival in the world, and it will be led by two people. A man in India, and a woman in the United States. There in the US, sometime in the year 2000- something, the United States will have a woman president, who is already alive today as a young girl, and she will be a former actress from Hollywood. She will rule America, a greater America which will be a combination of Canada, United States, Mexico, and other central American countries. But the forests of the Amazon will be eaten more and more, for the next six years. And then this woman president will make a very strong law which the world will follow, that no more will be cut down. She, this red woman – she will have reddish hair, or coppery hair- was also prophesized by other prophets in Southern Africa, many years ago. She is going to be called “ The Red Savior.” She is one of the four great people, one yellow, one black, one white, who will save the world in the very near future.

[source :  ‘Zulu Shaman. Dreams, Prophecies and Mysteries’ by Credo Mutwa, Prophecies from Africa ]

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