Saturday, September 03, 2022


For years the likes of the deplorable Ickes, Paul Joseph Watson, and many others campaigned for Brexit, to get the UK out of the EU, primarily because of the loss of sovereignty.

Indeed, "Taking back control", was the slogan wot won it.

But the UK has now applied to join the CPTPP, which is another trade bloc...and it's on the other side of the world!

And along with membership of the CPTPP comes the inevitable surrender of national sovereignty.

But I don't see the energy and organisation to stop this potential UK membership of the CPTPP and thus another surrender of national sovereignty.

Even though China is also applying to join the CPTPP.

Why is that? 

Nigel Brexit Farage might write an article or two on China.

But the hasn't formed the anti-CPTPP Party, has he?

Aaron Banks hasn't loaned Farage millions to stop the UK joining the CPTPP, has he?

Which means that Farage, Banks, Ickes, Watson, etc are perfectly happy to slag off China, but at the same time join a trade pact which may well include China.



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