
Tuesday, September 27, 2022


In 2011 NATO attacked Libya (with the permission of Russia and China) after NATO had created a gang of cutthroat Jihadis to start a civil war in Libya.NATO cited the right-to-protect (R2P) their 'freedom fighters', ie their cutthroat Jihadis.

After murdering Gaddafi these cutthroat Jihadis were transported to Syria where they and other cutthroat  Jihadis formed Islamic State with the assistance of NATO. NATO encouraged and allowed their Jihadi-minded citizens to fight for Islamic State in Syria. NATO then attacked Syria citing the R2P their cutthroat Jihadis. The USA and Israel still frequently attack Syria and at the same time loot Syrian natural resources.

Syria invited Russia to help destroy these NATO-sponsored Jihadis.

Fast forward 10 years.

Earlier this year Russia invaded the East of Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians from persecution and possible ethnic cleansing by NATO Nazis under the command of Zelensky, who had promised that he would stop the de facto civil war in Ukraine (that NATO started) and implement the Minsk II accords. But Zelensky reneged on that promise.

Spot the difference?

NATO creates cutthroat Jihadis like Islamic State to provide the pretext for war and cites R2P to help their cutthroat Jihadis overthrow Gaddafi and Assad. This plan worked on Gaddafi but Russia has saved Assad.

NATO Nazis start war on ethnic Russians who want to join Russia, so Russia exercises its R2P to protect the ethnic Russians from persecution and ethnic cleansing.

See : At UN General Assembly, Syria Calls for US to End Its Military Occupation

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