
Sunday, December 25, 2022


David Icke claims he receives messages from his spirit guides to help him to wake us up.

But in 2020 it all went Pete Tong, because for some reason those spirit guides forgot to tell the Ickes that Midazolam, not 5G, was the cause of the excess deaths.

So the Ickes continued to blame 5G for most of 2020 and 2021, provoking vandalism, arson, physical assault and death threats.

And then on 8th December 2020 the killer vaccines were rolled out.

This could have been stopped.

Because on 12th July 2020 The Daily Mail nailed Midazolam as the cause of the excess deaths.

So why did the all-seeing, all-knowing spirit guides of the Ickes not inform them of this?

If those spirit guides were allegedly helping the Ickes to wake us up?

Well, here's why:

  1. the Ickes were too busy launching Ickonic and Garth too busy walking around Wales and making a documentary about it;
  2. particular crimes committed in 2018.

Ickonic is not a free source of information. Yep. That's right. At this crucial time in human history the Ickes are hoarding information and charging for it. 

But it gets much worse. 

Ickonic merchandise is sourced from China, which the Ickes say is the most evil place on the planet.

And Ickonic are heavily flirting with disciples of deadly Rothschild Zionism.

And in 2018 I was professionally burgled and mocked by the Ickes over that.

If the Icke spirit guides had told their earthly servants the Ickes to check out Midazolam in July 2020, as the spirit guides of The Daily Mail had told theirs, then the Ickes would have presumably exposed the use of Midazolam to generate excess deaths which were used to terrify the world into accepting the killer vaccines.

But for whatever reason(s) the Icke spirit guides did not do that.

And so on 8th December 2020, aka David Icke Instant Karma Day, the killer vaccines were launched, and we are now seeing many, many more excess deaths through myocarditis, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, etc, with forecasts for those excess deaths to accelerate.

Because for some reason the Icke spirit guides did not connect and communicate with the Ickes in the summer and autumn of 2020.

Now, surely the curious Ickes have asked themselves why this communication did not happen?

Maybe even seen a medium or 9 to connect to these spirit guides and asked them why?

We don't know.

But I know why the Ickes were not informed, as Icke-splained above.

Particular crimes of 2018 should not have been committed and their proceeds/gains should not be being used in the way that they are.

And Ickonic is being used as a pure money-making scheme when it should be free.

But this all assumes that the Ickes have spirit guides.

So, do the Ickes have spirit guides?

Are they spirit guides for good? Or bad?

Well, note the above about Ickonic and China and Zionists.

And also that the killer vaccines were rolled out when Icke's 5G claims provoked much danger to human life and diverted from the true cause of excess deaths.

And there is also the fact that the Ickes mocked me over that professional burglary. Yep. The full-to-the-brim-with-unconditional-love Ickes mocked a victim of professional burglary, and they also mocked anti-war, anti-racist activist Owen Jones when he was violently assaulted by neo-Nazi football hooligans.

So in my experience and observed opinion, something bad infiltrated the Icke psyche in 2018. Until then they were just a bit mad with interesting things to say. That's why I donated £1000 to them. But in 2018 that slight madness turned to something bad.

And this is why the Ickes have been damned.


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