
Saturday, December 31, 2022


The Ickes were exposed as total frauds:

  1. in 2020 the Ickes blamed 5G for the excess deaths which were used to roll-out the killer vaccines. Garth was so comfortable about this that he went for a walk around Wales and made a documentary about it. But in December 2021 the Ickes blamed Midazolam instead. However during 2022 I found a report in July 2020 in The Daily Mail which nailed Midazolam. The Ickes claim to be receiving messages from their spirit guides to help them wake us up. So why did these spirit guides not tell the Ickes about Midazolam in 2020? 
  2. the Ickes make their living from terrifiying us into believing that shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophiles are coming for the kids, but at every opportunity Garth acts as if there is nothing to worry about and goes for walks here, there and everywhere;
  3. the Ickes claim China is the most evil country on the planet yet Ickonic sources its merchandise from China...and even Israel!

Infowars is in big trouble. Alex Jones claims to have rich friends in high places, but they do not appear to be rushing to his aid. So as a consequence Alex is begging. Like David Icke, Alex claims to be receiving messages and help from the spirit world. But Alex stole Infowars, and is begging because he blew the Infowars fortune on petty, futile litigation against the woman who he stole Infowars from: his ex-wife Kelly.

Alex Jones and David Icke have still not held a debate on the existence or otherwise of the virus. I was sceptical of its existence but in January/February suffered the worst flu/cold I have ever had, with constant coughing, fatigue, lethargy and brain fog for several weeks.

Queen Elizabeth II died. There was a massive outpouring of grief over that death, and some very curious information was revealed. Some who claim to be aware of what is going on mourned her death, even though she pulled a fast one and tricked the nation into taking the killer vaccines. She was married to the love of her life, Prince Philip, who wanted most of us dead. Imagine the pillow talk!

The killer vaccines started to be exposed as killers, with the British government beginning to recognise that they killed a few people, and begin compensation payments, but these are paltry sums which will be totally inadequate for what is needed for the victims and their loved ones.

Donald J Trump continues to praise the killer vaccines and still wants them named after him as the "Trumpcine".

The source of the virus, if there is one, is still undecided but more are believing that a lab leak in Wuhan was the source. But if the USA unleashed the virus then that's what they'd want the world to think.

There was political farce of the highest order in the UK with 3 different Prime Ministers in the space of 3 months, with the 3rd having massive links to the WEF through his father-in-law who is deeply embedded into the WEF power structure.

And NATO's provocations led to Russia invading Ukraine. This led to global food and fuel shortages which is partly what the Great Reset is all about. This has prompted some to question whose side Putin is on: he and Russia were banned from Davos; but he's forming strong alliances with the country who many see as the WEF nation of choice, China.

So 2022 was a year of gain in that many more are asking questions. 

But just about.


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