
Friday, December 23, 2022


The first known is "Wang Ye Lee" (sounds Chinese).

This guide told Icke that he would receive messages from the spirit world to 'wake people up'.

Icke's first prophecies from this spirit guide never happened, or if they did then even a trout could have predicted them.

But then we have an ever-changing series of spirit guides, INCLUDING JESUS CHRIST.

And then in 2020 these spirit guides went AWOL on crack and for months allowed Icke to bogusly claim that 5G was the cause of excess deaths. These claims provoked arson, vandalism, physical assault and death threats. But The Daily Mail nailed the cause of the excess deaths of 2020 on 12th July 2020 when they reported on the excessive use of Midazolam. The Ickes didn't blame Midazolam until December 2021.


But by then it was too late.

The killer mRNA vaccines were rolled out on 8th December 2020, aka David Icke Instant Karma Day.

Now, you would think that spirit guides on the side of humanity and with the capability to communicate would tell their earthly servant David Icke that Midazolam was the cause of excess deaths in 2020. But they apparently didn't. Because Icke continued his life-threatening incorrect 5G claims for nearly 2 years! 

So we must ask, and the Ickes must Icke-splain asap (instead of taking our money and sourcing teir merch from China): how, if they had the whole of the spirit world on their side, did the Ickes get 2020 so wrong to enable the killer vaccine roll-out?

The Ickes must also Icke-splain who their spirit guides are and have been.

Here's a screenshot from a fascinating video on Icke, which I highly recommend (internet link at top).

ps my deep sceptisicm of the Ickes is due to a £1000 donation I made to the Icke I P Defence Fund in 2006/7, but when I was professionally burgled in 2018 the only people to mock me were the Ickes. A 'good' spirit guide would have communiacted to them, "Hey, don't mock this guy, he financed you". But apparently the Ickes didn't get that memo. 




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