
Wednesday, January 04, 2023


In a word : Ickes.

The WHO declared a global pandemic in March 2020.

People were allegedly dying from a killer virus that may or may not have been engineered in a BSL4 in Wuhan, China.

Whether this is true or not is yet to be determined, but think about this: China is a massive country, but has only 1 BSL4 and that just happens to be in Wuhan where the killer virus is alleged to have appeared first. And it just so happens that a few months before the pandemic was declared the World Military Games were held in....Wuhan, where the US military team performed very poorly.

The Ickes blamed 5G for the excess deaths in the UK. David Icke was banned from some social media because these 5G claims were provoking vandalism, arson, physical assault and death threats. But the Ickes continued to make these 5G claims.

During 2020 I posted 8 maybe 10 times that the cause of the excess deaths in the UK was not 5G, and urged the Ickes to look elsewhere. I had never heard of Midazolam then, but apparently the Ickes had.

The excess deaths in the UK were used as a pretext to roll-out a thoroughly untested new technology called mRNA in the form of a vaccine. The first mRNA vaccination occured on 8th December 2020.

The Ickes continued to blame 5G for the excess deaths. Garth Icke was so comfortable with this that he was relaxed enough to walk around Wales, and even made a documentary about it!

2020 turned into 2021, and the mRNA vaccines started to be associated with a rise in deaths and positive tests for the killer virus.

The lockdowns of 2020 led to significant inflation in 2021 into 2022.

And Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to global food and fuel shortages.

Then in December 2021 the Ickes released a documentary that blamed the excess deaths in the UK not on 5G but on a drug called Midazolam which is used for executions.

David Icke claims to be here to "wake us up" from the evil clutches of a race of shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophiles, and that he would be receiving messages from his spirit guides for this purpose.

So where were these Icke spirit guides in 2020?

I ask because in July 2020 The Daily Mail published a report that nailed Midazolam as the cause of the excess deaths in the UK. I was unaware of this report until last year, 2022.

Why did the Icke spirit guides not inform their earthly servants the Ickes of Midazolam?

Well, perhaps they did, because in December 2022 Garth Icke tweeted that in late 2020 he thought Midazolam was the cause. If so then why did he go for a walk around Wales and make a documentary about it instead of searching for information on Midazolam? Perhapsif he had searched instead then he may have found that report in The Daily Mail from July 2020, realised that euthanasia was being executed to generate excess deaths to enable the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines, and stopped the roll-out?

The documentary of December 2021 blaming Midazolam is a very welcome contribution to the Covid-19 debate.

But it came much too late. By then tens of millions of Brits had been injected with mRNA vaccine.

So, several questions need to be asked of the Ickes:

  1. during 2020 what did they know about Midazolam, when did they know it, and what was their source?
  2. did spirit guides tell the Ickes about Midazolam?
  3. were they aware of the report in The Daily Mail in July 2020 which nailed Midazolam as the cause of the excess deaths?
  4. why did Garth Icke feel so comfortable about the dangerous 5G claims that he went for a walk around Wales and made a documentary about it, even though he was aware that Midazolam could have been a contributing factor?

These are just the initial questions. There are many more.

As for me, I was living and working in Austria at the time and could do very little if anything in the UK. But as stated above I did post on TTS about 8 or 10 times that 5G was not the cause of the excess deaths and that the Ickes should look elsewhere. And as Garth tweeted in December 2022, the Ickes in 2020 were aware that Midazolam could have been the cause. 

If Midazolam could have been exposed before December 2020 then the roll-out of the killer vaccines could have been stopped, many lives saved and many crooks would now be hanged or in prison for a very, very long time.

But alas.

The Icke spirit guides went AWOL, or the Ickes dismissed their spirit guides.

Which was it?




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