
Saturday, January 07, 2023


Remember that date : 11th September 2001.


Nearly 3000 died on the day with estimates of around 1million killed and maimed in the subsequent wars.

But whodunnit?


The lad Osama bin Laden was suffering from Marfan Syndrome and required frequent kidney dialysis, and died a few months after 9/11. ObL was a tall, thin lad, but in videos allegedly of ObL in 2002 and later he was fat, because the videos were fake.

The whole war on Afghanistan was a charade: the Talibam had eradicated the opium crop. But within a few years of their defeat the opium harvests were at record levels.

And then the biggy: the plan for war on 7 nations in 5 years that was revealed by General Wesley Clark.

That plan was for war and/or regime change in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

Since 9/11 6 of those 7 nations have experienced war and/or regime change, some more than others.

The only nation of those 7 that has not yet experienced war and/or regime change is Iran.

The British tried to start war in 2007 by sending some Marines into Iranian waters. They were captured and paraded on TV but released.

Then there was the attempted CIA Green Revolution in 2009/10.

Then Donald "biggest Zionist on the planet" Trump tried to star war on Iran several times, including assassinating General Soleimani who was in Syria defeating Islamic State and other Islamic extremists.

Today we still see and feel the aftrershocks of 9/11: the war on Syria continues with the USA stealing Syrian oil and food, and Israel bombing Syria at will; and there is an apparent attempt at destabilisation of Iran.

So remember remember 11th September.

Because so many violent events of today were kicked off on that day, 11th September 2001.

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