
Saturday, January 07, 2023


8th December 2020.

Also known as David Icke Instant Karma (DIIK) Day.

But instant karma for what?

Crimes commited in 2018 and 2019.

Just been watching a fascinating doc on the moon, which may well have included some info and theories of David Icke.

But if he's the Son of God here to wake us up and receiving messages from his spirit guides then how did he and his tiresome sons get 2020 so wrong to enable the roll-out of the killer vaccines?

False channeling?

From the moon?

One of Ickes's theories is that shape-shiftiing reptilians run this planet and receive their orders for world domination from Saturn via the moon.

So if they have such tech then they could have easily beamed messages into David Icke's brain. Right?

Sorry all you Ickeists, but you've gotta start asking yourselves some serious, serious questions.

Questions like : can the Ickes ever be trusted on anything ever again [clue : no starbuckin' way!]

How did the Ickes get 2020 so wrong to enable the roll-out of the killer vaccines and advance the alleged reptilian agenda?


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