Friday, January 06, 2023


Just been reading the tweets of Leilani Dowding about Prince Harry's memoirs.

She's not impressed and is almost laughing at Harry.

Dowding is employed by Ickonic, the family media of those damned Ickes who through their arrogance enabled the roll out of the killer vaccines and thus condemned tens if not hundreds of thousands of Brits to an early death.

In The Biggest Secret David Icke wrote an expose of the death of Harry's mother, Diana. In that expose Icke claims that Diana was murdered in a Brotherhood ritual. Icke also claims that the whole British royal family are shape-shifting reptilians. And when Diana told a friend that the British royals are reptiles Icke took this to mean that they really were shape-shifting reptilians not just cold-blooded (which they are having engineered and kicked-off WW1).

So why is Dowding laughing at Harry when he is trying to break from the norm of the reptile British royal family?

Harry should be encouraged to write much more of his life and how the British royal family works. Laughing at him will have the opposite effect.

And then there's the strong and growing alliance with deadly Rothschild Zionism at Ickonic.

Lewis Brackpool is a deadly Rothschild Zionist. He worked for Rebel which is run by deadly Rothschild Zionist Ezra Levant who organised a rally in support of Israel's murder of 500 children in Gaza in 2014. One of the first interviews that Brackpool did for Ickonic was of Mahyar Tousi. Tousi is of Iranian descent but is an Anglo-American-Zionist. He also runs his own media which employs several leading Anglo-American-Zionist commentators.

And then there's the ubiquitous Dominique Samuels. She seems to be everywhere: Ickonic; GB News; Israeli TV. She is also a deadly Rothschild Zionist.

The term "deadly Rothschild Zionism" was first coined by none other than...David Icke.

The downfall of those damned Ickes is nigh. 

And when David Icke falls down the earth will shudder and shake at his enormous weight, for the lad has become morbidly obese, which is yet another sign that the downfall of those damned Ickes is nigh.

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