
Tuesday, January 24, 2023


If you didn't already know it then you do now.

NATO has been creeping towards Russia since WW2. Russia drew a red line at Ukraine. But NATO have been provoking and provoking. NATO ran the coup in Maidan Square in 2014 to install a NATO Nazi government which then launched a de facto civil war against East Ukraine. Then Zelensky called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians from East Ukraine. So Russia invaded in a R2P, but is being portrayed as an empire builder when it's NATO building the empire.

So if you want nuclear war just keep on supporting NATO.

MOSCOW, January 23. /TASS/. Ukraine is now being run by specialists from the US Central Intelligence Agency and British MI-6, Ukraine’s former Prime Minister (2010-2014) Nikolai Azarov said on Monday.

"Ukraine is now very seriously governed not by [President Vladimir] Zelensky, not by [Ukrainian defense ministry’s intelligence directorate chief Kirill] Budanov, not by [commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces Valery] Zaluzhny, but by special groups of highly-qualified specialists in military science and intelligence who represent first of all the Central Intelligence Agency and MI-6. They steer practically all steps allegedly taken by Zelensky and Zaluzhny," he said in an interview with the Solovyov Live television channel.

The Ukrainian authorities are fulfilling ready-made plans "under supervision from Western specialists," he added.

Azarov told the Izvestia newspaper earlier that Kiev’s readiness for settlement talks depends entirely on the United States.

[source : Ukraine run by CIA, MI-6 specialists, not Zelensky — former PM, 23rd January 2023]

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