
Saturday, February 04, 2023


Throughout 2020 the Ickes blamed the excess deaths on 5G. I wrote here on TTS that it wasn't. I didn't know what the cause was but I did know it wasn't 5G. But one mainstream media outlet that did apparently know was The Daily Mail which on 12th July 2020 published a report exposing the excessive use of Midazolam. David Icke is world famous for claiming to be the Son of the Godhead (whatever that is). He also claims that spirit guides would be sending him messages from the ether to help him wake us up. Perhaps the most famous example of this is his claim that a spirit guide told him to walk into a particular bookshop, and to a particular book on a shelf in that bookshop. This shows how much these spirit guides know: THEY KNOW WHICH BOOKS ARE IN WHICH BOOKSHOPS!

So why didn't that same spirit guide tell David Icke to read The Daily Mail on 12th July 2020?

The Ickes' claim about 5G provoked vandalism, arson, physical assault and death threats.

Why did the Icke spirit guides allow this for months and not tell the Ickes to read The Daily Mail, expose Midazolam and stop the roll-out of the killer vaccines?

A simple and very valid question, but still no Icke-splanation from the Ickes.

It was not until December 2021 that the Ickes finally blamed Midazolam. But by then it was too late. The vast majority of Brits had been jabbed and boosted with the killer vaccines.

So why am I so sceptical of the Ickes?

On spirit guides, David Icke claimed that Jesus Christ was real, had lived, and they conversed. A few years later Icke claimed the opposite.

I gave the David Icke I P Defence Fund £1000 in 2006/7. But when my sister's house was professionally burgled in late 2018 for some of my research on the sun the Ickes mocked me. A few months later the Ickes mocked anti-war, anti-racist Owen Jones when he was violently assaulted by neo-Nazi football thugs. Garth later tweeted hard core porn on his daughter's 2nd birthday. These are not the actions of representatives of the Godhead.

So when Jaymie Icke calls for unity he and his damned family can fuck off! They've got a nice little media company now that swerves the issues like 9/11 and Israel. AND THOSE REPTILES!

Garth Icke was on a vanity project walking around Wales when he should have been reading the Daily Mail, exposing Midazolam and stopping the roll-out of the killer vaccines.

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