
Monday, March 27, 2023


Shortly after 9/11 NATO General Wesley Clark was told by a war planner in The Pentagon that there was going to be war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years. Those countries were Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

All but Iran have experienced military offensives or regime change. Sudan was partitioned. And Somalia is still being bombed.

But before the war on Iraq started in 2003 there was a war on Afghanistan.

The sequence of wars was:

  1. Afghanistan 2001;
  2. Iraq 2003;
  3. Lebanon 2006;
  4. Somalia 2007;
  5. Sudan 2010;
  6. Libya 2011;
  7. Syria 2012;
  8. ongoing attempts to start war on Iran which has now allied with Russia and China.

Both Russia and China abstained on the vote at the UNSC for war on Libya.

Russia allowed the USA to fly over Russia for the war on Afghanistan, even though that war was actually about restoring opium harvests which within a few years were upto record levels after the Taliban had eradicated the crop.

It was not until the war on Syria that Russia decided to oppose the wars. But that decision came just 1 week before the final inquiry into MH17 was due to release their report in 2015.

Before then both Russia and China allowed and even facilitated these wars.


Does this have something to do with China's attendance at Bilderberg in 2011 and 2012, and the subsequent alliance of The City of London and China which led to Brexit and the UK and China joining the CPTPP at virtually the same time?


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