
Monday, April 10, 2023


I've been stalked by the satanist/intel/mob network since 1997.

I was zapped by the satanist/intel/mob network between 1998 and 2005.

I was professionally burgled in 2018.

None of the above have happened to the Ickes, Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.

The Ickes now appear soft on Israel, sourcing their merchandise from Israel and employing Zionist Lewis Brackpool who worked for a guy called Ezra Levant who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide in 2014. The Ickes also mock victims of neo-Nazi violence (Owen Jones) and professional burglary (me). And they are (or were) close to Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset. He stole Infowars from his ex-wife Kelly with the help of a Bronfman lawyer. His family is deeply Confederate and worked with and for British agent and Godfather of the Confederacy, President Andrew Jackson. In order to get Trump elected as POTUS Alex went full Zionist, claiming that the Rothschilds wanted to give us our money back, and that infanticidal Netanyahu, who killed 500 childrenn in Gaza in 2014, was a good guy. Alex also praises Zionist Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. Alex did this because Trump is a passionate dedicated Zionist who believes that Israel should control the USA, and Cohn was Trump's mentor.

Paul Joseph Watson supports the British monarchy and lamented the death of Queen Elizabeth II, who virtually every night of her marriage slept with Prince Philip who wanted to reincarnate as a deadly virus to kill us (imagine the pillow talk), and she demanded that we do our duty and take the killer vaccines. She also knighted war criminal Tony Blair. The British monarchy engineered and kicked off WW1.

Yet I'm the one who gets stalked, zapped and professionally burgled.

What do you think is going on?

Coz I've got some very interesting and devastating ideas.

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