
Saturday, April 01, 2023


China attended Bilderberg in 2011 and 2012 where it was agreed that the China system would be implemented globally, with China becoming the dominant economic and military power.

This meant taking down the US Dollar/USA and the Euro/EU, but as the UK was in the EU this meant that the UK would be shackled to a dying corpse. 

So a few weeks after Bilderberg 2012 The City of London began its Renminbi Initiative to become the banker of the Renminbi and make a fortune from being a parasite on China. 

In 2013 preparations began to take the UK out of the EU with Rupert Murdoch promoting Nigel Farage.

In 2015 President Xi visits the UK, and with Queen Elizabeth II toasts the success of The City of London Renminbi Initiative.

In 2016 Brits were tricked into voting for Brexit through lies, scaremongering and broken finance rules.

There were then 3 years of rushed and flawed negotiations so the UK could escape the EU as soon as possible so the UK could ally with China as soon as possible.

In 2020 the UK formally left the EU, and almost immediately the WHO declared a pandemic which shut the world down for 2 years leading to the USA and EU injecting their people with deadly toxic gunge called mRNA vaccine while China and Russia did not.

In 2020 the UK and China apply to join the CPTPP, The City of London becomes the banker of the Renminbi, and Russia declares its allegiance to China and then invades Ukraine. 

In 2023 excess deaths in the USA and EU accelerate as the mRNA vaccines kick in, the IMF states that China will account for one third of global growth, and the UK joins the CPTPP.

And also in 2023 Garth Icke takes of a selfie on a sun longer next to a swimming pool.

Garth supported Brexit, and missed a report in the UK MSM which could have stopped the roll out of the killer vaccines because he was planning a walk around Ingerland to make a documentary about himself.

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