
Monday, May 29, 2023


There's a video doing the rounds of a speech by Robert Welch who founded The John Birch Society (JBS).

Infowars has referred to it.

Infowars was stolen by Alex Jones from his ex-wife Kelly with the assistance of a Bronfman lawyer.

Alex's dad was a member of JBS, and his books led to Alex becoming the man he is today.

But recently the ADL was found to have destroyed the JBS.

The ADL was formed to stop critisism of Zionists and, after Israel was founded, to stop criticism of Israel.

But Alex went full Zionist in 2016 to get the self-declared biggest Zionist on the planet, Donald Trump, elected as POTUS. Trump then covered up 9/11 which was done by Israel.

See the confusion?

JBS member and supporter steal Infowars to get a Zionist elected as POTUS, even though Israel effectively killed the JBS.


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