
Friday, June 30, 2023



Here's what David Icke wrote in Truth Vibrations about being guided by his spirit guides to a particular book in a particular bookshop, which suggests that these spirit guides know very detailed stuff in real time:

Then, one Saturday in early 1990, I went down to the sea-front near my home to play football with my eight year old son Gareth. On the way I bought a book called The End of Nature, which I intended to read that weekend. I still haven’t read it. After football we wandered along to the seafront railway station to have some lunch at a little cafe there, but it was full and we began to walk away into the town to find another place to eat. As we left the station area, I was stopped by one of the railway staff who wanted to chat about a football match being played that afternoon. We talked for a few minutes and I realised Gareth was missing. He was nowhere to be seen, and the only place he could be was in the station newsagents. I walked in and there he was, looking at a book about railways. “Come on Gareth”, I said, “Let’s go and have some lunch”.

At that moment I had this tremendous urge to look at the paperback books on the far side of the shop. Why, I had no idea; they were usually romantic novels and such like, hardly my scene, and I had £13 worth of book already in my hand. The last thing I needed was another. But the urge, the compulsion to go, was too strong to resist, and as I reached the first rack I saw a face smiling at me from the cover of a book called Mind to Mind. The face was that of Betty Shine. She is a medium and healer, a brilliant one, as I was to learn. I had never heard the name before, but I bought the book without a second’s hesitation.

Icke later met with Shine who told him he was going to save the world.

Yet here we are. Screwed. With tens of millions of Brits injected with God knows what, and a nuclear WW3 just around the corner.

Why did the Icke spirit guides not guide the Ickes to read The Daily Mail of 12th July 2020 to find that Midazolam was being used to euthanise old folk in care homes to generate the excess deaths which were cited as the reason for the lockdowns and the roll-out of the killer vaccines?

And why did Jacqui Deevoy only tell David Icke about euthanasia the day after the killer vaccines were rolled out on Damned Ickes Instant Karma Day 8th December 2020?

They have an Icke-splanation for everything but no Icke-splanation for this. 

Meanwhile David Icke has become the most morbidly obese man on the planet, and Garth wants go on yet another pointless walk and make yet another documentary about himself.

Please Icke-splain!


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