
Monday, September 25, 2023


On the official Vivek2024 website you can read what Ramaswamy has to say about Israel and 9/11.

And it. Is. Sick!

On Israel:

...By the end of Vivek’s first term, the US-Israel relationship will be deeper and stronger than ever because it won’t be a client relationship, it will be a true friendship. The centerpiece of Vivek’s Middle East policy in Year 1 will be to lead “Abraham Accords 2.0” which will fully integrate Israel into the Middle East economy – by adding Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, and Indonesia to the pact which was one of President Trump’s crowning foreign policy achievements.

Vivek will also partner with Israel to ensure that Iran never acquires nuclear capabilities. That’s a hard *never.*

Most importantly, he won’t cut aid to Israel until Israel tells the U.S. that it no longer needs the aid. That’s what true friends do: they’re honest with each other. We expect that of our friends in Israel, And when Israel gets to that point, we should all rightly celebrate it as a mark of achievement and pride for both the U.S. and Israel. That’s what Vivek actually said, so don’t believe the opponents’ lies that he wants to cut aid to Israel – which makes zero sense as a foreign policy priority any time in the foreseeable future. We will not leave Israel hanging out to dry – ever. (But that didn’t stop his opponents from pouncing to lie about his position).

Good friends also learn from each other, and Vivek has said we have much to learn from Israel. He’s traveled there countless times with one of his most important business partners – a founding investor at Roivant – who is based there. Vivek wants the U.S. to learn from Israel’s border policies, crime enforcement policies, national identity, and missile defense capabilities – and will
lead the U.S. accordingly.

See : TRUTH. Over Myth

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