
Saturday, March 23, 2024


The British royal family is evil.

Pure. Evil.

They engineered and kicked off World War 1, with the goal of creating so much chaos and carnage that the world would create a world government, but one which the British would control, with the USA as the enforcer.

But it didn't work out. Despite dragging Great Britain into war under the orders of King George V, Sir Edward Grey toured the USA after WW1 advertising The League of Nations to the people of the USA. But he failed to convince them to join, and the USA voted to stay out. This was likely because the USA joined WW1 late on into the war, in April 1917, and suffered relatively few casualties.

So the British and their allies engineered a 2nd world war for the same goal, this time with the USA joining at the start of the war, not at the end as in WW1. Note that it was the same sides: UK, USA and Russia v Germany/Austria.

And this time it worked.

The United Nations is based in New York City, New York, USA.

The British royal family engineered all this carnage because after the US Civil War (which they engineered to weaken the USA), nations like the USA, Germany and Russia were collaborating and developing economies and trade routes beyond the reach of the powerful Royal Navy and which threatened the hegemony of The British Empire.

So the British monarchy and their allies in The City of London and Wall Street engineered and financed all the chaos of the 1st half of the 20th Century to establish a world government controlled by the British and their allies.    

And that world government is The United Nations.

Now, what David Icke has done is take this devastating information and dumped all over it with shape-shifting reptilian shit!

But if the British royal family can do all that and cover it up, can we really believe that they are telling us the truth about Kate?

Perhaps this is one time that they are.

We just don't know.

Can we demand evidence? Freedom of Information Act?

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