
Saturday, May 11, 2024


The resistance.

The resistance. The resistance. The resistance. The resistance.

?The resistance?

Those self-proclaimed leaders are Alex Jones and David Icke.

Both claim that they work for God and that God works through them, his wonders to perform.

But they disagree on so many and important topics: the existence or not of 'the virus'; is Elon Musk genuine; the existence of Jesus Christ. So why would God confuse us through his top 2 agents Jones and Icke disagreeing so much if God works through them? Why do they not agree on everything?

Alex has stated that Infowars is a member of a U S Military Intelligence propaganda network. His ex-wife Kelly has also stated that Alex and his family stole Infowars from her via a Bronfmann lawyer. Half his family are CIA, and he has revealed that his family helped to establish the extremely racist Republic of Texas in 1836. This republic was created by white European settlers who had settled in Mexico and who held slaves. But Mexico banned slavery, so those white European settlers rebelled and formed their own republic which allowed slavery. Alex has also revealed that during the U S Civil War his ancestors fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to preserve slavery. Oh, and his father is/was the top dentist for the CIA! Alex also claims to be neutral on the Israel/Palestine issue, but he is definitely Zionist. He is on video stating his strong support for Israel.

So, on to David Icke.

Icke claims he was sent here from the ether to save us from the evil that runs this planet. He claims that he has many spirit guides who would give him whatever he wanted (within reason) for this aim of saving us. When he first started writing he claimed that one of his spirit guides is Joseph, the father of Jesus Christ. But Icke now claims that JC is a myth! So what of his spirit guides?

Icke has taken some devastating information and dumped shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophile shit all over it. And not only that: he claims those shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophiles live in the moon, and receive their orders for world domination from Saturn. So where were his spirit guides in 2020? They allowed him to make a complete arse of himself by blaming 5G for the excess deaths of that terrible year. Turns out he was dead wrong! The excess deaths generated fear and panic so that we would roll up our sleeves to be injected several times with God knows what. So why did Icke's spiirt guides not tell him to cut the 5G shit out and investigate Midazolam? The Daily Mail exposed Midazolam in July 2020, but somehow Icke's spirit guides didn't tell him. And so the killer vaccines were rolled out, and they have been killing many through blood clots and myocarditis, to name a few fatal conditions. And as for his sons? Jaymie is trying but does not believe in his daddy's reptile stuff. And Garth is AWOL hiding down mines, caves and tunnels, and on disused railway lines. You'd think that as both Jaymie and Garth have young families that they would be knocking on doors, speaking on street corners and in village and town halls at every opportunity, in order to alert the public to the terrible fate that awaits them and their families.But they don't.

So if you're wondering why we're in this mess...

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